Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Handwriting Term 1 2021
Here is my handwriting sample.
I think that I am good at making my tall letters touch the top line most of the time.
I need to work on having an even height for my lower case letters.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
During Term 1, the Swim Safe people came to give us some lessons in water safety. They were a lot of fun. Here is me and some other kids in a huddle.
Blake Virtual Reality
Monday, 12 April 2021
Charlotte's web. activities
Team Moana has bean reading a book called Charlotte's web. We were given some activities to choose from. One was a book cover which is what I chose to do so here is my work. I hope you enjoy.
Chocolate couplets
In week ten Team Moana had some chocolate and we had to write about it I rote a double couplet poem here is my work I hope you enjoy.
Reading Week 10 Term 1 2021 Sapphire and Ruby
This week for reading we read an extract from Charlie and the chocolate factory. It described Willie Wonka. Then we had to answer some questions and find the language that described his clothes. Here is my work.
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Cicada Coding
In week 9 we did some coding based on the cicada life cycle. We had to code the cicada to go through its life cycle. Here is my work. I hope you enjoy.
The Old Church
In Week 7, our class went to look at the outside of the old church building which is next to our school. We had to write using lots of adjectives, adverbs, specific nouns and vivid verbs so that we described it well. We tried to remember to use ideas from our senses and to write about not just what we thought the old church looked like but also how it made us feel.